Monday, July 26, 2010

PowerRanks: Week 16

Chase gets Lucky?

Chase's Lucky 13s not so quietly knocked off his first-place dad 8-1 to move into a 4th place tie in the standings. This, though you may have missed it, is his 2nd week in a row leading the PowerRanks and 3rd time in the last 5 weeks. As little as 3 weeks ago, his team was in last place in the Yearly PowerRankings and has suddenly jumped to seventh place.

Looking over his past PowerRankings, it shows a steady progression to becoming one of the best in the league. However, can he maintain that and overcome the wins the top 3 already have in the bank? Yes. He is just 9.5 games off the new leader, Lyin' Co. Reformers who had a good week too. A 9.5 game swing in the few remaining weeks isn't that unheard of and if Victor Martinez starts playing again like he might tonight, he'll be in a great position to take the league.

Here is a graph of his PowerRank by week:

Weekly PowerRank

RankLast WeekTeam NamePowerRank
11Lucky 13's10.4
22The Cocos5.1
34Lyin' Cty. Reformers4.5
45SD Thunder is BACK2.4
53Soi Disant0.8
612Seal Beach Dreamers0.8
711Team LA-0.6
87deus ex machina-1.7
109Arlen's Marlins-4.8
1110CV Mom-5.3
126Corn Poppers-8.1

Yearly PowerRank

This WeekLast WeekTeam NamePowerRank
11Lyin' Cty. Reformers8.0
22The Cocos6.8
33Seal Beach Dreamers1.7
44Team LA1.0
56Soi Disant0.4
65Arlen's Marlins-0.6
710Lucky 13's-1.4
88deus ex machina-1.9
97CV Mom-2.0
1111SD Thunder is BACK-3.6
1212Corn Poppers-5.6

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